Jan 20, 2023
Hot Crypto Trends To Watch Out for in 2023
The completion of ETH2.0, which will significantly improve the network's scalability, security, and energy efficiency, is a major step forward for the Ethereum community. Additionally, the development of smart contracts, which allow developers to create decentralized applications...
Oct 30, 2022
Will Ethereum Lose Its Censorship Resistance After Migrating To PoS ?
if validators with more than half of the total stake on the network refuse to broadcast sanctioned transactions on the Ethereum network; hence, the Ethereum network will have no choice but to fork into one that is regulatory compliant, and one that isn't...
Oct 18, 2022
What is ETHW? Introducing Ethereum's latest fork
the Ethereum blockchain shifted from a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake (PoS). Along with this change, ETHPoW, a unique PoW blockchain split from Ethereum's Merge (essentially the old pre-Merge Ethereum), went online....
Oct 15, 2022
See What Old Ethereum Miners Are Doing With Their Equipment
Many miners will eventually opt to shut down their machines because they are no longer profitable or efficient enough to use — but some are discovering inventive methods to utilize all that computer hardware that is simply lying around collecting dust...
Oct 06, 2022
Ethereum Deflationary Economics Post-merge? Here's what you should know.
many people are incentivized to lock up a huge part of their Ethereum holdings to make new ones, reducing the amount of tradeable Ethereum on marketplaces; consequently, scarcity is induced, and with increased usage of the Ethereum network, demand will outweigh supply,...
Oct 05, 2022
What Next For Ethereum Miners Post-merge?
However, the migration of Ethereum miners to other blockchains will lead to an excess supply of miners competing to earn the same level of rewards as before; hence, the profits for everybody will be reduced....
Sep 17, 2022
What Are Verkle Trees And How Do They Differ From Merkle Trees?
post-merge Ethereum upgrades will see the introduction of Verkle trees, which allow for substantially smaller proof sizes than Merkle proofs, consuming less data space on the blockchain and making transactions faster....
Sep 08, 2022
Debunking The Myth: Is ETH 2.0 A Hard Fork
Indeed, the network upgrade is being implemented as a separate chain (the Beacon chain). However, rather than forking the blockchain, the protocol will migrate ETH 1.0 contracts and accounts to one of the 64 shard chains on ETH 2.0....
Aug 31, 2022
Debunking Myths: Will the Ethereum Merge Make Transactions Cheaper?
No, the Ethereum Merge on its own won’t make transactions cheaper. However, events scheduled after the Merge, such as sharding and purging, are focused on scalability; hence, they will make Ethereum transactions cheaper. However, in a way, the Merge can take some credit...
Aug 18, 2022
ETH 2.0 Updates: What To Expect by September 15
Bellatrix Upgrade: The Bellatrix upgrade is set to go live by September 6th. Bellatrix is the upgrade that will set the final stages of the merge in motion. This upgrade is created to permit the last set of mining activities before it becomes halted....
Aug 15, 2022
Ethereum Virtual Machine: What It Is and How It Works
The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a processing engine that functions similarly to a decentralized computer with millions of executable applications. It is a complex, dedicated software virtual stack that executes contract bytecode and is integrated into each Ethereum node to maintain consensus...
Jul 31, 2022
Ethereum Merge: Q3 Update
due to the Gray Glacier update in June, the activation of the "difficulty bomb" has been pushed forward until mid-September, effectively delaying the merge until the final few days in Q3...